The hour long commute from my parents to Vogt's was pretty smooth in the dark, with nearly no traffic. Right as a near the Ohio state line, my emergency tire pressure light came on. Thankfully this was just low pressure and not a flat. I arrived at 5:01 AM and we did not hesitate to leave in route to pick up cubanrocks at the Miami Valley Racing and Casino. We pulled into the parking lot lit up by fluorescent tubes of light and saw a car park in an adjacent lot. Vogtcd11 said I wonder if that is him. I told him to flip his brights several times and would you know it he pulled out and headed toward us. Cubanrocks gets into the car. He was donning the safe Barry Sanders jersey. Vogtcd11 was sporting Darrell Green, 513boy wore and alternate Dan Marino, and I chose Christian Okoye for the the third annual Detroit Tecmo Kumite.
Deep and serious Tecmo Talk about ratings, matchups, defense positioning, and wise cracks about 513boys age #BabyJoey ensued as we made the trek from the Racino. We made a stop somewhere on 75th North, picked up some drank, breakfast sandwiches, and a box of Krispe Creme doughnuts. When we left the gas station the exit to get back on 75th North was closed and there was no real detour that directed us back. Of course the GPS didn't know so we finally took 75 South, found the next exit, and turned around as the sun started to rise.
We arrive in Auburn Hills around 10:00 AM to get some gas and arrive at Hoops Sports and Spirts around 10:15. Very small and remote, but a perfect place for a Tecmo tournament. We set up the stream, televisions, and consoles as competitors start to roll in. The first individuals I encounter were from Canada. They were brothers donning Marshawn Lynch and Russell Wilson Seahawks jerseys. Both were very enthusiastic and attending their first Tecmo tournament. Jeremiah asked me for a warm up game. We play and it did not go too well. By halftime we switched up the teams and then his brother Jerion (sorry I am botching this again) jumped in for some reps. After a couple of warm ups I found timbone666. Special story about timbone. Tim was the first person to help me get starting online in 2010. He walked me through setting up a game. I chose the Bears and he chose the Cardinals being gracious on a noob. I somehow won the game that featured a total of nine interceptions and he even took the time to help me save the game and upload it to TPC. It was great to finally meet you in person. I hope you had a great time.
Not too long after, LuckyTool commanded everyone's attention and fumbled with multiple attempts at the bar's microphone. After the frustration he decided to just belt it out as some basic rules and format were discussed. The Kumite features a unique triple elimination format where competitors are assigned a number at the start of the tournament. I received number 7. A bag full of ping pong balls with numbers were placed in a bag. Each round the tournament directors draw out two balls with the first being player 1 and matchup caller and the second being the choice of team. They also informed the field of two side prizes. Prize number one, in honor of Michigan's new football coach, was a Starting Lineup of the Bear's Jim Harbaugh. To receive this a player would have to use the Bears, use Jim Harbaugh and obtain the most passing yards with him. The second prize would be $100 split between to two players who replicated the exact score in their Seahawks/Patriots game as the Super Bowl next week. I am really pulling for the Seahawks in a 28-0 route. Some excitement started as red98sethuhut drew regulator088 again for his first game and would draw him again later in the tournament.
If you would like to skip my game recaps here is a Cliff Notes version:
Game 1: CHI 44 vs CIN (Brett H.) 0... 307 yards with Harbaugh
Game 2: SEA (LuckyTool) vs N.E. 0... Wilson, Cook, and Fryar in BAD for three quarters combined with brilliant SEA playbook equalled no chance
Game 3: ATL (513boy4Life) 0 vs PHX 13... Lots of INTs on both sides
Game 4: DEN 35 vs S.D. (James H.) 12... Great offenses, but not enough Charger defense
Game 5: S.D. 28 vs DET 0 (Trevor R.)... I played awesome defense
Game 6: RAI 14 vs CHI 17 (Nick C.)... A game I totally let get away
Game 7: WAS 28 vs S.D. 7 (Jeremiah/Jerion)... Like the warm up the brother's from Canada teamed up.
Game 8: K.C. 21 (regulator088) vs MIA 7... DeBerg CCs and Chief run D were too much
Game 1: CHI 44 vs CIN (Brett H.) 0... 307 yards with Harbaugh
Didn't know what to expect with my first opponent. I know his brother has been to Madison. I went safe and went with a comfortable matchup in the Bears and Bengals. I ran early and often with Bailey. Went up 7-0 early. Then he fumbled. In the second quarter I started to pass. I put Neal Anderson up top and did a lot of chucking as well as some dink and dumps. I know my opponent wasn't happy. I had a lot of JJ INTs with Carrier. I actually stopped myself at the 1 yard line twice to avoid scoring and ran the clock at the end of the game.
Game 2: SEA (LuckyTool) vs N.E. 0... Wilson, Cook, and Fryar in BAD for three quarters combined with brilliant SEA playbook equalled no chance
LuckyTool called the matchup. I am not fond of the Seahawks, and I typically don't mind the Patriots so I went with the Pats. I realized after about two series from LuckyTool and his offset playbook that my defensive advantage would be worthless. To top it off I could not compete offensively either. Marc Wilson, Irving Fryar, and Marv Cook were in BAD condition for three quarters. My only attempt in scoring was an incomplete diving pass in the end zone. LuckyTool played brilliantly and I played very poorly. I blame most of this to me not thinking of the offset. Kudos to O'Toole making look like a bad Tecmoer.
Game 3: ATL (513boy4Life) 0 vs PHX 13... Lots of INTs on both sides
My third game paired me up with 513boy4Life Joey V. a fellow car pooler. He called ATL and PHX. After some long deliberation I wanted PHX solely because of the secondary MAN control flexibility. The game started out with me driving well and then throwing an INT. Joey did the exact same thing in return. On my third possession I got a long run TD on a one-on-one grapple. I was able to snag a Del Greco FG right before half. We both threw another pair of INTs and Joey fumbled in the second half. Late in the third or early in the fourth I was able to secure the win with another FG. Joey played really well on defense, but just couldn't get Rison going.
Game 4: DEN 35 vs S.D. (James H.) 12... Great offenses, but not enough Charger defense
In Game 4 I took on James H. of Sterling, MI. I asked him how he was playing and he said 3-0 so I looked at this as a good time to go with a go to matchup so I called Chargers and Broncos. He went with the Chargers. Offensively we were both very efficient in the first half. In the second half I started getting some stops and the offense continued to roll. Late in the game he called my play for the odd 12 point score. Very nice dude with some talent. looking forward to seeing James in the future.
Game 5: S.D. 28 vs DET 0 (Trevor R.)... I played awesome defense
In Game 5 I played Trever R. that I recognized from Twitter. Probably should have saved this matchup in retrospect, but again the deeper I got in the tournament I felt the need to secure myself going to the final 8 competitors. Not much to say here. My run D was lights out and pass D was great. Despite throwing two INTs my offense was efficent. #Butts4Days.
Game 6: RAI 14 vs CHI 17 (Nick C.)... A game I totally let get away
Game 6 I played eventual runner-up Nick C. from Cleveland. To this point he was 4-1 just like me. He admitted that he got lucky in another game and probably should be 3-2, but would take it. I called Raiders/Bears and he took the Bears. In the first half I played well going up 14-0 after forcing some punts. He received the ball after half and had a great running drive with Neal to make it 14-7. My next possession, which was roughly mid to late 3rd quarter brought me to a 4th and 4 around my own 25 yard line. The entire game Bo was in AVG condition. Even my opponent made the comment that it seemed like Bo had no acceleration after receiving the ball. On that 4th and 4 I ran Run 1 R &S and was stopped at the marker. He quickly scores making it 14-14 at the end of the third quarter. I get the ball to start the fourth quarter and methodically drive down the field, which included a 4th and 4 conversion pass to Willie Gault on Pass 2. I got inside the red zone and called Pass 1 with 1:50 or so left in the game. He covered RB 1 with Carrier. His drones were coming after me and I quickly tap the A button to throw to RB 2 who was a few yards short of the goal line. Instead, the arrow goes to RB2 and the ball goes to RB1. INT. Nick gets a long run with Neal after winning a grapple which puts him in long FG range. Before the clock winds down he gain some yards for an easy FG. I let this one get away. Of my three losses it hurts the most because this kept me out of the final 8 single elimination. Two key moments. A. If I get the first with Bo he does not score until 4th quarter or If I punt there he doesn't score at all or uses a great deal of time to do so which wouldn't allow time for the game winning FG. B. The INT. If the ball goes to RB 2 he scores and the game is over. I did not intentionally arrow trick, but it is what it is. In no way am I taking away Nick's second place finish as he is a good player and made enough plays to win the game, but I definitely had this game.
Game 7: WAS 28 vs S.D. 7 (Jeremiah/Jerion)... Like the warm up the brother's from Canada teamed up.
Game 7 was the pre-tournament warm-up game rematch from Weaksauce of London, Ontario. knowing how poorly things went for Jeremiah in that warm-up I had no problem giving points for the playbook, subbing of best players, and information about my defense. The first half saw me up 21-0 with heavy doses of Byner. In the second half, much like the pre-tournament warm-ups, Jeremiah's brother, Beastmode of London, Ontario finished up the game. Tightening the run defense I switched gears and threw with Rypien. Beastmode ran well with butts notching a score on his first possession. Really great to meet the two of you.
Game 8: K.C. 21 (regulator088) vs MIA 7... DeBerg CCs and Chief run D were too much
Game 8 I draw regulator and if I win I am in. Great. He calls K.C. vs MIA. I play equally with both and I know he typically plays well with MIA so I chose MIA. Ugh. Occasionally I ran well. I threw an INT on the first possession. Nothing was open on my pass plays that were not picked. Struggled to get anything going offensively. On defense I was at the mercy of the CC. I can distinctly remember at least 5 CCs. Many of those I was manning the defense on. On a few I got isolated, got tossed and he either scored or gained massive yards. Besides those I thought my defense was OK. Paige killed me. On the whole I was outplayed in this. My only losses coming from last year's runner up, the eventual runner up this year, and the eventual and Kumite I champ.
Ate twice at Hoops Sports and Spirts. Had the Hatchet Black and Blue burger and then the Hoopster later on. Descent food, but nothing spectacular. What was spectacular was the service. Really appreciated Missy. She refilled my Blender Bottle somewhere in the neighborhood of 8-10 times throughout the day and treated everyone like she was friends with them. Her smile remained the duration of the tournament despite working the grueling double shift. I really feel for any of these workers on days like this. Didn't hurt that she was smoke too. It would be an understatement to say that Missy was in EXCELLENT.
As I was eating one of he meals the third tournament director which I cannot recall his name, came to Joe M., ones11fahzu, and myself and asked if we all wanted a shot in the Elite Eight because we all had identical records and there were only seven spots filled. All three of us said of course and he proceeded to draw out a pingpong ball. He drew number 30 which was ones11fahzu. He said oness11fahzu would play tecmodell42 in the Elite Eight. All three of us were confused as we thought the three of us would be playing in at a shot to play tecmodell42. I thought that the number he pulled was going to be the bye and Joe M. and I would play and the winner would play ones11fahzu and the winner would go to the Elite Eight. So in a sense, I feel Joe M. and I got the sort end of the stick sense all three of us had identical records.
Despite not playing in the Elite Eight single elimination tournament, I finished "tied for 9th out of 38 competitors. Not bad considering the quality of the players in the field. It was also refreshing to know that I could continue playing Tecmo in a consolation tournament once players not making the Elite Eight were eliminated. Earlier in the tournament the first 16 out played in consolation tournament as well. Timbone666 defeated 513boy4Life for the win. Since I just barley missed the cut for the championship bracket, it set me up nicely in the consolation tournament. I would need to win three games to win it all.
If you would like to skip my game recaps here is a Cliff Notes version:
Game 1: CLE 10 (Mort) vs ATL 24... Much closer than the score appears

In the first consolation game I get Mort. Last year Mort put me out in the Final Four in a very close game. I was able to get a victory off Mort at the Best of the Best at the Midwest tournament in July. he calls CLE vs ATL. I take the Falcons after much deliberation. Mort loses a fumble early and goes down 0-7. Falcons get a stop and get close for a FG before half making it 0-10. Second half Mort has a solid first drive and scores making it 7-10. Falcons get stuck with another FG making it 7-13. Mort gets an overthrow with Qb Browns and gives the ball back to ATL. Falcons then have to punt after missing a long overthrow of their own. Mort marches the ball down the field, but throws a pick. Falcons then score on a JJ bomb to Rison to seal the deal.
In the second game I take on Joe M. I played Joe in a very close game last year. This year I call DET vs CIN. He takes Fulcher and I immediately set up the offset playbook, swap Barry out to WR1 and move Mel Gray to my primary RB. I had no plans to throw, but to run at Fulcher all game. I did just that. Gray had a monster game and found many 10+ yard carries on the way to the win.
Game 3 (championship): RAMS 28 vs CIN (D.T.) 14... Great run D with some timely picks

Game 3 (championship): RAMS 28 vs CIN (D.T.) 14... Great run D with some timely picks

The championship of the consolation tournament had taking on the winner of D.T. of Buffalo, NY and vogtcd11. D.T. pulled out a 21-17 win and moved over to face me. I called a RAMS vs. CIN matchup. By his immediate reaction, I knew this was something he did not want. He took the Bengals and I proceeded with the last game's plan and went offset. I ran early and often to take his play calling off the pass. Then when it counted I struck long to Flipper. Bengals had some early run success with Brooks, but some timely dive tackles and good pass play calling forced some early punts. Rams got a long TD in stride to Flipper late to seal the win.
My prize for winning the consolation tournament was my $20 entry. I love the concept of the consolation tournaments because it gives all players something to play for and it is more games for your buck. The only downfall of playing in the championship of the consolation tournament was that it did not allow for me to watch the last couple of games of the big tournament. From memory and peaking over I think this is how it shook out:
Elite Eight
Regulator088 defeated LuckyTool
Ones11fahzu defeated tecmodell42
Cubanrocks defeated Utimate Weapon (Ryan M.)
Nick C. defeated red98sethuthut
Final Four
Regulator088 defeated cubanrocks 21-7
Nick C. defeated ones11fahzu
Red98sethuhut had the most brutal draws of the tournament. He drew eventual champ regulator twice, runner up Nick C., and had a game versus vogtcd11 and ones11fahzu to avoid elimination. Cubanrocks proved himself as being a top player by going 9-1 in the tournament and really only being outclassed by regulator088. Nick C. had a great showing as well. Tecmodell42 scored the only victory against the champ and quietly strolled into the Elite Eight. Regulator088 is cementing himself as possibly the greatest Tecmoer of all-time. He makes good players look like noobs. While he is beatable, he is the proof in pudding. Two-time Kumite Champ. The only thing that can stop him is the wife and soon to be child. Best wishes as this special moment in your life comes.
Following the championship was the awards ceremony and group picture. Another great tournament. Met more new people who share the same passion for the game. Great job Eric O'Dell and Matt O'Toole. O'productions did another great job. We all had a blast and can't wait for Kumite IV.
I took the wheel to drive back home. War stories of the tournament were shared. Along the way we stopped at a truck stop with a Taco Bell. Heaven. Gorging on Crunchwrap sliders and Crispy M & M's, the Mountain Dew and Monsters kept me wake. Tear-jerking laughter broke out when reading Tecmo related tweets. I will leave it at that. We dropped off cubanrocks at the Racino and arrived in Hamilton around 1 AM. I powered my inner Bob Nelson going on 4.5 hours sleep in the past 48 hours and being up for 23 straight. With about 15-20 minutes left of my remaining two hour haul I found myself rolling the window down, blaring the music, and finished the last of the Monster. I made it home safe despite some nodding off.
The more I do this the more I want. The Vogt's are as good of friends as my friends from high school and college. I find myself talking more and more about life with them and others from the community. It is a comforting feeling I have in my life. It would be strange to think what our lives would be life if this great game that has brought us all so close together did not exist. Only a little over a month to the greatest tournament of them all, Tecmo Madison XI Apocalypse Now. Until then, Long Live Tecmo.