When people first met red98sethuthut they were always initiated with, "this is Mort's brother." I remember meeting him for the first time at one of the early Midwest tournaments at Symmes Tavern. I too, was introduced to him as Mort's brother. He reminded me a little of myself. Very quiet early on, soft spoken in conversation, a good listener, and always observant to his surroundings. As the beer started to flow and games became intense, so did Louis.
Like myself, he paid his dues online, took his share of Ickey Woods fumbles, and learned the ways of the Force. He spent a lifetime on the road traveling to in-person console tournaments, gained valuable experience, and bonded with so many like-minded and nostalgic people. Before long, his learning paid off. Not only was he a staple at nearly every console tournament, but he became a contender. He was always in the discussion of who could be there at the end and even won some tournaments too. When he reached this point, he was no longer Mort's brother. He was Louis.
I can't imagine how difficult it must have been traveling with his brother and attending these tournaments, especially in the beginning. Mort is a legend in his own right, with countless tournament wins, an encyclopedia of Tecmo knowledge, and becoming a Tecmo celebrity after the ESPN Films documentary. I can't speak for Mort, but I am guessing no one was more proud of the player Louis had become than him. I know Louis took pride on his evolution as a player as well.
While I don't play anymore and really haven't seen many people in a while, this news hurt. I know the pain the community feels with this news and especially his brother Mort. My deepest condolences to the entire family. Louis became everyone's brother. A Tecmo brother. For that I will be forever grateful.
I decided to write this on here to grieve and because Louis once told me how much he enjoyed reading the posts. All I know is that those who give to the game are rewarded by the Tecmo gods. Red is tapping from the heavens and laughing his way to victory. The gods have welcomed him to the Tecmo gates with beers ready to consume. He's up there having a blast just like he did with us. Going to miss seeing you Tecmo brother. You were one of kind my friend.
Even after we are gone... Long Live Tecmo!